
Hi! I'm Denisse Marie

I help women leverage marketing and business systems to bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. Join my growing community of ambitious women entrepreneurs who are getting leverage in their businesses with marketing tactics, business efficiency tips, and self-compassion practices along the way.

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3 steps to acknowledge, forgive, release and plan for 2023

Hi, Reader, We're so close to saying goodbye to another year. Can you believe it?? You may be already in the process of reflecting, planning, and setting new goals. And by now, you may have received AT LEAST one email about planning for the new year. And this is because it's only natural to look ahead, plan and create resolutions. I myself have a tradition, or ritual, of reflecting on my year and setting goals for what I want to accomplish in the new year. I also have a tradition with my...

Hi, Reader, While we’re living in a time when it’s easy to start a business and make money, it takes a lot more to succeed and create a long-term, sustainable business. In the United States, 40% of the population has a side hustle (around 70 million people 😳). And while you’d assume that the main reason why so many people start a side hustle is to earn extra money to make ends meet (it’s the third top reason), the #1 reason is to create more personal freedom. And yet, it’s all too easy to get...

Hi, Reader, FYI it’s a bit of a long email today because I want to share a quick story… I've been planning to experience the digital nomad life with my two daughters for almost a year. Conversations about moving out of the country have been going on for years with my sister, but after thinking about what was best for my daughters and me, I decided that we would live as digital nomads for six months and then return to Florida. This last Friday was finally the day we boarded the plane to our...

Hey there, Reader, Do you ever forget why you started something in the first place? Or, wonder how you got there? This happened to me this past week as I worked through a never-ending list of to-dos for a big move I am making (I can't wait to tell you more about it soon). It's a big change in how my daughters and I will live for the next six months and requires serious work to downsize and prepare. And, when I realized how much I have left to do and anxiety and overwhelm crept in, I started...

Hey there, Reader, A hurricane just passed here in Central Florida (and other parts of the state). It was a strong one this year. And while it can and has had devastating effects for many (those on the west coast are in my prayers), I find that it creates space for pause and reflection — time to slow down and focus on simple things. Stores are closed, no cars are on the road and schools and businesses are closed... it feels as though life has stopped. As I stepped out this morning, I felt the...